Vegan Junk Food Bar
VJFB™ Cologne is located at the Hohenzollernring 21-23, on the edge of the old city center, the shopping area and the popular Belgiës Viertel, in the heart of a lively nightlife area.VJFB™ Cologne offers you spacious seating both in- and outside. EAT FOR THE PLANET while enjoying our #PLANETFRIENDLY #FUTURISTIC #JUICY #VEGANJUNKFOOD in our signature urban VJFB™ scenery. Oh, and don't sleep on our notorious cocktails. – ristorant
- Klassifikazzjoni: 8 / 10 stilel
- Tikketti: Żid tags!
- Websajt: / Kunsinna Miftuħa
- Indirizz: Hohenzollernring 21-23 Cologne 50672
Ħinijiet Miftuħa:
- il-Ġimgħa: 12:00-02:00
- is-Sibt: 12:00-02:00
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